Piasa Bird Plows

By Sam Moore
Published on February 25, 2013
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Drawing from the cover of the 1917 Hapgood Plow Co. catalog, showing company President Harvey L. Black on a Piasa Bird gang plow hitched to a pair of the rather bored looking creatures.
Drawing from the cover of the 1917 Hapgood Plow Co. catalog, showing company President Harvey L. Black on a Piasa Bird gang plow hitched to a pair of the rather bored looking creatures.
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A Hapgood Piasa Bird sulky plow.
A Hapgood Piasa Bird sulky plow.
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A fanciful drawing depicting Uncle Sam delivering a sack of mail to Hapgood Plow Co.
A fanciful drawing depicting Uncle Sam delivering a sack of mail to Hapgood Plow Co.
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No one is identified in the undated photograph of the Hapgood Plow office staff, but I believe the man at the desk in the foreground is company President Harvey Black.
No one is identified in the undated photograph of the Hapgood Plow office staff, but I believe the man at the desk in the foreground is company President Harvey Black.
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Your grandmother may have cooked on a range like this ornate model from Hapgood Plow Co. Why it's named
Your grandmother may have cooked on a range like this ornate model from Hapgood Plow Co. Why it's named "Anti Trust" I don't know.

We’ve all heard the question:
“What’s in a name?” and its counterpart, “a rose by any other name …” and all

Many symbols and names have
been used for farm implements down through the years, as these 1911 examples
for sulky plows attest: Admiral, Ajax, Aunt Rhoda, Uncle Sam, Battle Axe, Best

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