August 2012 Mystery Tool A
We have no definitive answer on this item. One reader believes it to be a homemade device put around the neck of small farm animals (such as goats or sheep) to prevent them from jumping over low fences or rock walls. Photo submitted by Dale Moe, Pigeon Falls, Wis.
August 2012 Mystery Tool B
We have no definitive answer on this item. Photo submitted by Chris Jerue, Cheney, Wash.
August 2012 Mystery Tool C
Rim tool used in mounting tires. Photo submitted by Stephen Doty, McMinnville, Tenn. See patent 1,704,628 for a similar piece.
August 2012 Mystery Tool D
We have no definitive answer on this item. Photo submitted by Bud Lochen, Wausau, Wis.
August 2012 Mystery Tool E
Barb-wire lifter and carrier, used to carry a spool of barb wire. With this tool, a spool could be carried by a person on each end of the tool, or one person could carry the spool using the center handle. Photo submitted by Steve Sylvester, Centuria Wis. See patent 264,547 for a similar piece.