July 2012 Mystery Tool A
We have no definitive answer for this item. One reader suggests that this is part of a portable weighing system used on the farm. A weight would hang from the eye on the right, and a container hanging from the hook on the left would hold a quantity of the item to be measured. The device would be useful when a specific amount of a commodity such as feed was needed. Photo submitted by Lawrence Kent, Jasper, N.Y.
July 2012 Mystery Tool B
Unidentified. Photo submitted by Elias Nyberg, Stow, Mass.
July 2012 Mystery Tool C
Hook used to pull thread through the heddle on a weaving loom. Photo submitted by Renee Frantzen.
July 2012 Mystery Tool D
Pliers used for assembling radius rod rubber insurlator on Fords. Photo submitted by Don Schroeder, Berger, Mo.
July 2012 Mystery Tool E
Pencil sharpener. See patent 304,371. Photo submitted by Frank Brcka, Plymouth, Iowa.