Old Deardorff Crawler Salvaged

By Dick Tombrink
Published on February 8, 2013
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Car parts were repurposed for use in Deardorff crawlers. This one features a 1937 Ford rear end and two Chevrolet transmissions.
Car parts were repurposed for use in Deardorff crawlers. This one features a 1937 Ford rear end and two Chevrolet transmissions.
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Designed for use in the western Washington timber industry, this Deardorff Kushion Tread Cat is equipped with a winch, roll cage and dozer blade.
Designed for use in the western Washington timber industry, this Deardorff Kushion Tread Cat is equipped with a winch, roll cage and dozer blade.
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A drawing from Earl Deardorff’s patent for track design.
A drawing from Earl Deardorff’s patent for track design.

I first saw a restored
Deardorff crawler in Grants Pass,
Ore., in September 2010. Designed
for cultivating, that crawler had a rear hitch and manual lift lever to raise
and lower implements. The Deardorff name caught my attention, since my mother’s
maiden name was Deardorff, and I made it my goal to add a Deardorff to my

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