‘Tis the season of surprises! Beginning on page
16 in this issue of Farm Collector, we bring you a sneak
preview of a new book on old iron. While most books on this hobby
focus on restoration tips or a specific manufacturer, this one –
Tractor in the Haystack: Great Stories of Tractor
Archaeology – unearths tales of the hunt for antiquated
Taking the role of story-teller, author Scott Garvey settles in
as comfortably as if he were leaning over the bed of a pickup,
chewing the fat with friends. The stories he’s gathered center on
chance encounters, stubborn tenacity and – as in the one published
in this issue – unimaginable good luck.
Who can resist a good story? Not us! This issue is packed with
them. Take a tumble through these pages and meet a man so
captivated by combines that he restored a John Deere 45 – and put
it to work in an Idaho wheat field (“45 at 50,” page 32).
Then there’s the guy who bought an old, beat-up harvester – even
though ensilage harvesters are not generally considered highly
collectible and he already had one. Four years passed before he
discovered something unusual about his newest harvester (“Ahead
of its Time,” page 20). And don’t miss the story of the chain
of events that resulted from one man’s daydream of a stream of
tractors rolling over a bridge (“Northern Lights,” page
31). Hungry for more? Read about the pair of farmers who
refused to let a chapter of ag history dissolve into the mists of
time (“Minnesotans sweep up vintage sugar beet equipment,” page
From the beginning of time, stories have brought people
together. At Farm Collector, stories are our stock in
trade. The shelves groan beneath the weight of the tales we’ve
inventoried for you. In the next issue alone, we’ll tell you more
about the famed inventor you’ll meet in this issue (see page
20), revisit the ice harvest, take a look at Model T Ford
Snowmobiles and revisit the days when corn was picked by hand – but
those are stories for another day.
As winter approaches, darkness comes early. Give the remote a
rest and draw near to the fire; ease into a tale of old iron. Who
knows what you’ll find in this issue? It is, after all, the season
of surprises and we’ve wrapped up a few for you. Happy holidays
from all of us at Farm Collector!
Leslie McManus, Editor
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