Homemade soap. During winter, ham, pork, bacon
and other meats which yield a great deal of fat are used more
freely than in warm weather. The careful housewife should not throw
away or waste a scrap of the fat, which should be strained and put
into a covered can. When 3 or 4 pounds have accumulated, make it up
into soap. Put the fat into a kettle with a little water and set on
bottom and the fat will rise to the surface. After cooling, remove
the fat in a single cake and weigh carefully. Put this clarified
fat into a pail or kettle and set it where it will melt. Into a
good-sized crock or can on the stove put a can of lye for every 5
pounds of fat. Add 5 quarts of water and 2 tablespoons of borax to
the lye and stir constantly until the mixture starts boiling. When
the lye water cools, slowly stir in the fat. When the mixture
begins to thicken, pour it into pans or pasteboard box covers and
mark off into squares before it hardens.
This home-made soap will make rich white suds; there need be no
fear of using it for washing laces, blankets, or the daintiest of
Homemade Javelle water (bleach). Put 1 pound of
washing soda in a granite pan, add 1 quart boiling water and stir
until soda is dissolved; let cool. Dissolve 1/2 pound chloride of
lime in 2 quarts cold water, let settle and pour the clean water
into soda mixture. Let settle, and then bottle the clear liquid and
store in a dark place. To use, mix with equal parts of water. Don’t
let garment stay in more than 30 minutes. Rinse well in several
waters and lastly in diluted ammonia water.
Source:Farm Economy, a Cyclopedia of
Agriculture for the Practical Farmer and His Family.