Let’s Talk Rusty Iron

By Sam Moore
Published on November 1, 2005
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Above: New babies in the hen house. Top: White Leghorn chickens.
Above: New babies in the hen house. Top: White Leghorn chickens.
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Left: Egg scales and an egg candler. The Acme automatic scale and the candler in the illustration look exactly like the ones we used.
Left: Egg scales and an egg candler. The Acme automatic scale and the candler in the illustration look exactly like the ones we used.
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Above: Electric battery brooders. A three-tier, 300-chick capacity in front and a five-tier, similar to the ones we used, in the rear.
Above: Electric battery brooders. A three-tier, 300-chick capacity in front and a five-tier, similar to the ones we used, in the rear.
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Left: New Hampshire Red chickens, a branch of the Rhode Island Red family and very similar to the Rhode Island breed.
Left: New Hampshire Red chickens, a branch of the Rhode Island Red family and very similar to the Rhode Island breed.

Chicken operation the source of foul memories

It’s almost November, so I’ll tell you a little
about my father’s chicken business in the 1940s. I know, it’s
supposed to be turkey for Thanksgiving, but in those days we sold a
lot of chickens for the holidays.

I don’t know just when my father and uncle, who made up the

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