Blogger Asking for Sorghum Syrup-Making Memories

Reader Contribution by Farm Collector
Published on March 9, 2012

I have a love of sorghum and sorghum syrup-making and would love to see this skill become a staple on farms everywhere. I am working with MOTHER EARTH NEWS (one of Farm Collector’s sister publications) and we need your help. If you make sorghum, or grew up making sorghum, we’d love to hear your stories and will share them on my blog.

I would also appreciate pictures, recipes and any information about sorghum mills. We’d like to connect those wanting to make sorghum with sources of mills, since they are sometimes hard to come by and there aren’t any manufacturers of the old-style sorghum mills today. Please help me gather information while old-time sorghum makers are still around and before the old iron mills get sent off for scrap metal.

Sherry Tucker, MOTHER EARTH NEWS Sorghum Editor and Blogger (A Modern Missouri Homesteader)

Editor’s note: Please email responses to (please include “Sorghum” in the email subject line) or mail letters to Sorghum; Attention H. Hunt; Mother Earth News; 1503 S.W. 42nd St.; Topeka, KS 66609.

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