Singing Those Old Washday Blues

By Sam Moore
Published on July 16, 2018
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“Wash Day – A Back Yard Reminiscence of Brooklyn,
“Wash Day – A Back Yard Reminiscence of Brooklyn," 1886.
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“Wash Day, or, A Captive Audience,” 1876.
“Wash Day, or, A Captive Audience,” 1876.
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A woman outside her back porch doing her wash on a washboard. At least she has a hand-cranked wringer to take some of the work out of the task.
A woman outside her back porch doing her wash on a washboard. At least she has a hand-cranked wringer to take some of the work out of the task.
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The Eureka hand-powered washing machine stood ready to do double duty, Dec. 14, 1899.
The Eureka hand-powered washing machine stood ready to do double duty, Dec. 14, 1899.
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The Conqueror Wringer allows these well-coiffed ladies, in their pretty frocks and stylish shoes, to do the weekly wash with ease, while equally well-dressed children play in the now unused wooden washtub.
The Conqueror Wringer allows these well-coiffed ladies, in their pretty frocks and stylish shoes, to do the weekly wash with ease, while equally well-dressed children play in the now unused wooden washtub.
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This 1920 Maytag ad points out how a farm wife could have a washing machine even without electricity.
This 1920 Maytag ad points out how a farm wife could have a washing machine even without electricity.

In 1927, only about 10 percent of American farms had electricity, although some 90 percent of city and town dwellers did.

Electric companies deemed it too expensive to build long rural transmission lines for relatively few subscribers, and even contended that most farmers were too poor to afford electricity anyway. It wasn’t until the 1930s that the U.S. government began to pressure electric providers to supply rural folks with electric power. We didn’t get it on the western Pennsylvania farm where I grew up until 1928, when I was 5 years old.

In 1927, the Pennsylvania Farmer magazine ran a “Sunny Monday” contest on their women’s page in which they asked their lady readers to write and tell how they made their Mondays “sunny” and chased away the “washday blues.” Some of the resulting letters were published in the July 2, 1927, issue and are excerpted here.

The first prize ($10) winner told of how, when she and her husband were first married, they bought a 70-acre farm and money was tight. “I started with no washer of any sort – just tubs and a washboard, and no day of the week bored me except wash day,” she wrote. “Later we purchased a hand-power washing machine and strong as I am, I could hardly keep going on Blue Monday.”

She went on to tell how there was no electricity available in her area, but they ran across an ad for a washer powered by a gas engine in, naturally, Pennsylvania Farmer. “My husband decided we would give the device a trial at once, and we have been using it ever since,” she said. “This was indeed the dawning of a new day and wash day changed from dread to joy. So why wait for electricity? We also use the engine for separating and churning milk, as well as other farm tasks.”

A rose by any other name

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