The cacophony of July 4 firecrackers is a signal to me to get out the suitcase and start scouting routes in the atlas: It’s almost show season! I know there are shows in June and July, but I typically opt for August and September, when I can be assured of full heat and humidity. In those conditions, ice cream is uniquely satisfying!
This summer, Farm Collector will cover the Midwest, starting with the Historic Construction Equipment Association’s 35th annual International Convention & Old Equipment Exposition, set for Aug. 28-30 at the Kurt Kocher farm south of Concordia, Kansas.
Originally planned for August of 2020, this not-to-be-missed show fell victim to the pandemic. This year, through a collaboration between the Historic Construction Equipment Assn. and Prairie Plowing Days, it’s back on the calendar. The venue – a privately owned farm – allows owners and operators a unique opportunity to put their equipment through its paces.
The very next weekend – Labor Day weekend – will find us, as always, at the Midwest Old Threshers Reunion in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Like many shows around the country, the Old Threshers Reunion was cancelled in 2020. But this year, it’s roaring back, with a promise of just exactly what we’ve all yearned for.
“As best as we can, we’re getting back to normal here,” says Grant Davidson, who handles public relations for the Old Threshers. Other than creating hand sanitizer stations throughout the grounds (which, honestly, is a great idea regardless of the pandemic), the show will be pretty much just like it’s always been – which is to say, legendary.
After a couple weeks off for good behavior, we’ll roll southeast to the Steam-O-Rama in Republic, Missouri, Sept. 16-19. I’ve been wrong before, but I like my chances on the whole “heat and humidity” deal in southwest Missouri in mid-September.
Dating to 1962, the Steam-O-Rama is produced by the Ozarks Steam Engine Assn. and SWMO Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Assn. Branch 16. Featuring the Harrison Machine Works “Jumbo” steam engine and John Deere tractors, engines and garden tractors, this year’s show will be super-sized.
If you haven’t already made your plans for show season, it’s time to get on it. There are a lot of great shows all over the country and a lot of ice cream to be eaten. See you in line!