Mother’s Slipper

Reader Contribution by Column Sam Moore
Published on July 31, 2019
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We hear a lot these days about the sad state of discipline among our youngsters, and, on the other hand, of calls to the police if someone happens to witness a parent administering to a recalcitrant child any more than a mild talking to. Along these lines I thought this editorial by Bascome B. Clarke, founder and long-time editor of The American Thresherman, was interesting. It appeared in the August 1907 issue of the paper under Clarke’s byline, “Uncle Silas.”

I remember how mother used to take us on her knee when we had allowed our wrath to be kindled against some little playmate, and how she would smooth back our hair and gently calm the rising storm, and then tell us that dog story:

‘Let dogs delight to bark and bite, for God hath made them so.
Let bears and lions growl and fight, for
tis their nature, too.
But little children should never let their angry passions rise,

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