A modern reprint of the 1870 Agriculturist, a New York
publication which was devoted to farm, garden and household, will
make interesting reading for people who enjoy old times and
The 124-page book is printed with sepia ink on very good glossy
paper, and is full of engravings and articles from the 1870 issues
Articles are many and varied-plans for a three-story barn, hints
on cooking (many recipes), which flowers will grow in the shade, a
swivel clevis for whiffletrees, and use of dog and sheep power for
churning-to name just a few. There are many old time ads as well,
for clothes wringers, metallic bird houses, cultivators, hay scales
and feed cutters and on and on.
The book was edited by Steven J. Rakeman and Donald Berg. It
makes a handsome gift.