The Maryland Steam Historical Society, Inc. would like to take
time to thank everyone who helped to make last year’s show such
an outstanding success. President Gilbert Wisner and the Board of
Directors want to send special thanks to all exhibitors, workers,
patrons, watchmen and the public who showed such a great interest
in our show.
We always try to present something different every year at our
show. We have something here to please almost everyone. Here you
see Giant traction engines working, parading and pulling the Baker
fans. Old farm tractors still ‘strut their stuff, and countless
gasoline engines ‘bark’ on the Midway.
Antique automobiles, many names now forgotten by the young
generation, parade along, gleaming like models just off the
showroom floor!
Antique buffs will love the numerous flea markets on the ground.
A new attraction last year was the helicopter ride which proved to
be a great drawing for our show. We are always doing things to make
our show better and we hope you see you this fall.
Our annual banquet, which was held April 14, 1973 at the Arcadia
Fire Hall, Upperco, Maryland was a wonderful success. Many of our
friends attended from Pennsylvania and Virginia. We were pleased to
have Mrs. Earlene Ritzman among our guests. Also present was Jim
Layton from Federalsburg, Maryland, president of the Eastern Shore
Threshers and Collectors Show. Also, Titus Brubaker was here,
looking very good since his illness last winter. It was great to
see that wonderful gentleman getting around again.
The Little German Band of Hanover, Pennsylvania provided
old-time music for our enjoyment.
Following the dinner, there were some talks by President Gilbert
Wisner, William Hopkins, Dale Hempfing, Robert Howard, Murtice
Masemer and a special talk by Mr. Eshleman.
Everyone had a wonderful evening and we hope to see YOU at the
show this fall!