Upperco, Maryland 21155
This outfit was in operation at a New Show Site this August at
George Hedtke’s Farm, located on Highway 72, East of U.S. 51,
Jet. just 1-1/4 miles. A large storage building, 60 foot by 140
foot was completed earlier this year. This is the first of several
buildings that will be built in the near future. Courtesy of Emil
Regardless of two rainy days, the 19th Annual Maryland Steam
Show was an outstanding success again this year. President Gilbert
Wisner and his crew made many new improvements to the grounds and
facilities which made for a smooth operation of the show with a lot
less work involved for the help.
Aside from the usual display of steam traction engines, there
were three Western style engines on display this year – a Russell,
a Nichols & Shepard and a Port Huron compound. Also, the last
Peerless engine built was one of the attractions. It is owned by
Mervin Grubb of Steelton, Pennsylvania.
Antique farm tractors also pronounced their power at the show,
pulling the ‘Metroliner’ bus for the rides, running the
Baker and shingle saw.
Gas engines of every make and horsepower lined the midway. Some
of those are valued at over $1500 each.
An antique fire truck provided rides for the children.
There were threshing demonstrations Saturday and Sunday. The
thresher was powered by Gilbert Wisner’s 50 HP Case traction
engine. Also in operation was the sawmill powered by the 50 HP
portable which is owned by the Society. Different makes of engines
took turns powering the shingle mill.
A very large flea market drew lots of attention this year and
was well patronized. The young and old enjoyed the helicopter rides
which offered a chance to view the entirem show from above. If you
have never ridden one, you don’t know what you are missing.
There was plenty of food available on the grounds, along with
good homemade soup cooked in steam kettles. A large upright boiler
provides the steam for the soup kettles, plus the model engines and
a 100 HP stationary engine.
Sunday afternoon, there was an Antique Automobile display on the
grounds. Many different types of beautiful antique cars were there,
including a Stanley Steamer – run about in original condition – of
course, ALL vehicles were original!
Believe me, there was so much going on and so many things to
see, I can hardly tell you about it all in this report – so why not
attend our show next fall and see for yourself!
The entire group here at the Maryland Steam Historical Society
wishes to thank all helpers, exhibitors and the general public for
their patronage. Without your help, this show certainly would not
be possible. Many thanks and God bless every one of you!