The second annual Antique Machinery and Power Show of the
Sunflower Pioneer Power Association was held on May 15th and 16th
on the fairgrounds at Elmwood Park, Norton, Kansas.
Approximately 40 exhibitors displayed nearly 200 exhibits at
this year’s show. Included were steam engines, tractors, cars,
trucks, machinery and gas engines. The Historical Society also had
Demonstrations included threshing, corn shelling, log sawing,
black-smithing and soap making. Vendors and flea markets also
enjoyed the show.
1932 Case separator owned and restored in 1980 by Jerry Bantam,
Norton, KS. Has a 28 inch feeder and 47 inch threshing chamber. The
oscillating wind stacker and weighscales are in operation.
1916 75 HP Case steamer owned by Dale Brunson and Jon Boxler,
both of Norton, KS. Dale, Jon and the late Carl Bryant restored the
Case in 1966. (Dale and Jon are members of the S.P.P.A.)
The Sunflower Pioneer Power Association was organized early in
1981 and held its first show in May of that year. There are now
about 50 members.
Jayne Prockish reports that ‘Now that this year’s show
is over, members are enjoying other shows in the area and getting
more ideas for our show next year.’
President of the club is Jerry Bantam, Rt. 1, Norton, KS
The photos on this page were taken by Don Farris, of DW
Photography, Box 686, Chanute, KS 66720. We thank Don for sending
us the pictures and arranging for us to have this story. We also
wish good luck to this new club!