R. R. 4,Red Deer, Alberta.
I would like to report on the steam show at Langdon Corner 16
miles East of Calgary, Alberta, August 12 & 13, 1972.
This is the club’s 3rd annual show and I am more than
pleased to report that we have a steam show on its feet and on its
way to being the biggest show of its kind in Alberta. I would like
Vice-President Harry Garriott, Treasurer Arlo Jurney, Secretary
Beth Taylor, General Manager Ken Taylor and Executive members: Tom
Anderson, Frank Sherring, and Harvie Walters.
Incorporated under Society Act of Alberta February 29/72.
To start off I would like to give credit to Ken Taylor and the
Taylor family who have supplied the land and storage and the
bundles for threshing and the club meeting place plus some of the
No end of thanks can repay people who support a club as they
have from its beginning. Also Glenbow Foundation for machinery on
Now to the show. We arrived Saturday at noon and the show was
well under way with different activities going on everywhere.
There was a 1909 1 Cylinder Famous 1 HC Tractor with a drip
screen for a cooler operating the thresher and doing a fine job.
Also at the time was a 40 x 80 Aultman Taylor Tractor which the
club has put into very nice shape. It was pulling an 8 bottom plow
with ease, a nice 30 x 60 Model E Rumely was pulling the Baker
fanand did it ever purr!
I was make welcome by both Doug and Arlo and Ken and was
welcomed onto the 25 x 75 Case steamer and had the pleasure of
belting it up to the separator and doing some threshing, and it was
with great pleasure to find my pal George Dunlap from Saskatoon
also operating the steam engine. Most everyone in Alberta and
Saskatchewan know George as he is one of the finest persons and
Steam Engineer you would want to meet anywhere.
I left the show and travelled home as I was to plow at home with
my steamers on Sunday. However, I was rained out completely so I
travelled back the next morning with John Kvill and my wife, plus
his 3′ model of a 32 Reeves Compound. We unloaded the little
Reeves and it was an immediate star with everyone, as it is a
master piece of work.
My guests were Bill Hughes from England, Bill Writes under the
name of the ‘Northener’ for the Model Engineer Magazine in
Britain. Also Stan Green of Calgary who is a master model builder
with no peers as a model builder.
These two gentlemen are steam engine enthusiasts and did
appreciate their reception by the club members who turned the 25 x
75 Case steamer over to us to use and we put it through the paces
on the plow and thresher.
The crowd was very interested and Ken Taylor kept them informed
by loud speaker, and did a fine job of commentation.
The lineup for the parade included the Case steamer and about 12
nicely restored gas tractors also there was span of 4 horses
supplied by George Cowlings and they were beautifully matched and
for any who remember and worked with horses, they were a
There also was 2 displays set up one of old time wrenches and
its range covered all the wrenches I can remember. Also one display
with a Switcher Locomotive plus some fine working models of valve
gears and one other display of various lights, whistles, etc. all
the displays added interest to the show.
The support given this club by the local papers in Calgary and
South did much to help the attendance.
On Sept. 17, 1972, some of the members of the Pioneer Acres
Plowman & Thresher’s Club of Calgary, Alberta, had a
‘get-together’ at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Freschette, Red Deer, Alberta. Here they are in all their
‘glory’. The engine on the left, is a 1920 40 H. P.
Case-buttistrap boiler, owned by Mr. Freschette. The engine on the
right, owned by a very nice lady, Mrs. Freschette, is a 1916 16-48
D. S. Rumely. The model in foreground was built and is owned by
John Kvill, New Norway, Alberta, Canada. It is under steam as the
smoke denotes; it is a 32-110 C. C. Reeves.
The enthusiasm of the club members and helpers is gratifying to
see and be a part of.
Things I am sure you will see next year will be stooking
competition, Belting competition, threshing competition, and I am
sure the Models will increase as I know there are some fine models
in the district.
To all I did not name Be assured your help was more than
appreciated and will be welcomed next year at a bigger and better
Thank you Mr. Editor for being kind enough to allow us space in
your fine magazine as you know these reports do wonders for show
attendance and membership.