Mansfield, Ohio
The 7th Annual Reunion of the Richland Co. Steam Threshers
Assoc. Inc. was held on August 5th and 6th in near perfect weather
with a large attendance both days. A heavy rain on Saturday night
made it muddy on Sunday morning for a while, but the sun came out
hot and strong and dried it pretty much up by noon. We had 21
tractors of all sizes, 5 separators, a Birdsall clover huller, a
stone burr mill, a shingle machine, a drag saw which was used to
saw blocks for the shingle machine, a hay baler and several pieces
of antique farm machinery.
The Show opened on Saturday morning by an opening prayer by our
Chaplain, Charles Divelbiss. Our Chairman Earl Logan then gave a
short welcome speech and introduced the officers and told everyone
what they would see during the day and on Sunday. The sawmill was
in operation both days nearly all the time and a large crowd was on
hand at all times to see it operate. Three fans, a prony brake,
threshing and straw baling, a parade of all equipment, and an
antique car parade rounded out Saturday’s activity.
Church services were then held on the ground Sunday morning by
Chaplain Charles Divelbiss. The fans and prony brake were then put
into action and after dinner threshing, baling, saw milling,
grinding wheat and corn by the burr mill, making shingles, another
parade of all the equipment and another antique car parade rounded
out the day’s activity.
Lunch was served on the grounds by the Seratomas and La
Seratomas and they did their usual fine job. There were a couple of
kiddies rides in operation.
We had Baker, Aultman-Taylor, Advance-Rumley, 20th Century,
Peerless Frick, Leader, Huber, Keck-Gonnerman, Russell, Gaar-Scott,
a Buffalo-Springfield roller and a 5 H. P. James Fleming engine
made in Scotland in operation. Due to the death of one of our
founders and mechanical trouble which no one could foresee, we did
not have any Case engines at our show except a small model.
We held a massed high noon whistle each day at 12 o’clock.
We want to pay tribute to everyone who helped at our show and
especially to the men behind the scenes who do so much. Without
such fine people no show could be a success.
The annual election of officers was held at the Logan Farm on
Logan Rd., Mansfield, Ohio on Sunday Sept. 24th. After the business
meeting the following officers were elected for the coming
Chairman – Harvey Rozman, 341 W. Walker St., Upper Sanduskey,
Assistant Chairman – Sam Yeater, 220 Rhein Ave., Mansfield.
Vice Chairman – Levergne Lutz, Route No. 5, Mansfield.
Ass’t. Vice Chairman – Fred Ammetu, 635 Lexington Ave.,
Secretary – John Boner, 397 N. Trimble Rd., Mansfield.
Treasurer – Marion Lutz, Route No. 5, Mansfield.
Charles Divelbiss will serve as Chaplain for the coming
A place and dates for the 1962 show have not been selected yet.
We want to thank the men of the Miami Valley Steam Threshers for
their help and loaning of equipment for our show. We hope to see
you at our show in 1962.