This Linn Log Hauler was built in Morris, New York 1927 and was
bought new by Calvin John of Gillett, Wisconsin. He used it for
logging and for pulling several sleighs of logs, and also for
moving buildings. It was used in Iron, Forest, and Florence
counties and was last used in 1942 near Mercer, Wisconsin. It
weighs 14,000 lbs., has a six cylinder Waukesha engine, and a top
Lombard and Phoenix log haulers and was used for the same kind of
work, retrieving saw logs from rough, nearly inaccessible places.
This fine machine is owned and was restored by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Kuester of Clintonville, Wisconsin, and was exhibited by them at
the National Logging Congress Show at Green Bay, Wisconsin, last
September. The Kuesters are to be congratulated on the fine job of
restoration that they have done, and for their efforts in
preserving this unique example of early logging machinery.
Submitted by Edward A. Westen, Route 2, Box 127, Kewaunee, WI