Pittsfield, III., sends us this sad announcement with the
comments which are of great interest. Ed.
Mr. Steve A. Seibert, 411 West Cleveland St., Belleville,
Illinois, passed away while confined to St. Elizabeth’s
Hospital, on October 27.
Steve was with the Harrison Machine Works almost fifty years. He
on at the factory and managed what business came their way in the
matter of repairs and machine work. He knew the first name of every
buyer of Belleville machinery in many years back, and a more honest
and or better man never lived.
Mr. Robert Shelcop, the engine man is still going strong, as is
Mr. Albert W. Thee (pronounced tay). All these men have been my
friends for many years. Belleville machinery has been in my family
since 1881 right up to and including the present. I own two of the
latest ‘Jumbo’s’.
The company sold their real estate a year ago last spring to a
friend of mine. They then sold all their personal property to on
auction company and a public sale was held on July 24, 1952. Mr.
Lee Harrison asked that I go and get anything I wished, including
an old separator. I of course, could not use it. I did get quite a
few things.
This company never turned out a bad piece of machinery in their
over 100 years existence, and always gave their customers the
benefit of any doubt that arose. I have been going to their factory
for over fifty years, and now I miss it and seeing the grand old
men greatly.