LeRoy Jinnings, who lives near Hamilton, Indiana, uses a set of
governors to hold up his mailbox.
LeRoy writes to us:
‘The idea all started many years ago when I purchased my
Case engine. The governors were bad, so I told a steam fan and a
good friend, John Harper of RR New Haven, Indiana, about my
gave them to me.
‘One day I decided to change them. When I got the set off
the Case I discovered my problem. Being a machinist and a tool and
diemaker, I repaired them.
‘I stored the set Mr. Harper gave me overhead the granary.
When we sold the farm and built a new home at Ball Lake, I decided
to make my idea become a reality.
‘In all our travels we have never seen another way like it
of letting people know a steam fan lives here.’
LeRoy’s address is: RR 1, Box 156, Ball Lake, Hamilton,
Indiana 46742.