Tremont, Wisconsin
This town has a parade once a year -being called – Horse and
Buggy Days. I say ‘To win a trophy in this parade, I must enter
something they have never had.’ So I started training a mule
and a Holstein ox side by side, so I could drive them as a team. I
won two trophies in this town. As of then, I bought six Brown Swiss
six oxen was simple because I had six brothers, naming them from
the oldest to the youngest.
The first span of oxen is as follows: Billy Club was named after
Bill, Martini Tub was named after Martin. The second span of oxen
is – Hansvorscht named after Hans, Weinervoracht named after
Werner. The third span of oxen is – Gnorhardt named after Gerhardt,
Watercart was named after Walter. I, Carl, one of the seven
brothers, do the driving of this six ox hitch. Because of a mishap,
two of these oxen went to market. I still have an evenly mated four
ox hitch.
In my favorite hometown, my two sons James and Tony and I with
our parade entries, have won seven trophies in the past seven
These oxen pull my walking plow and haul wood together in the
The time when high gear works the best in these oxen is when
they are headed for the barn.