Stewartstown, Pennsylvania, is below York near the Maryland
border, and not hard to find if you know where you are going.
We decided to cover the annual meet of the Early American Steam
Engine and Old Equipment Society, held near Stewartstown in July,
and would have been there earlier if we had turned off the correct
interchange of Interstate 83.
Once we found the place, and started roaming around, we lost our
pencil and could not jot in our notebook. Mrs. A. F. Brandt, of
Bain-bridge, Pennsylvania came to our rescue with the gift of a
ballpoint pen. It carried the message of her son, State Rep.
Kenneth E. Brandt, for whom she campaigns whether it’s election
time or not.
Part of the appeal for traveling there was the plug for the show
which was aired on WGAL-TV, Lancaster, with Bill Luckenbaugh on the
tube issuing an invitation.
The show was lively, and we enjoyed it as we do all these
events. When the parade started, the few steam traction engines led
it, even though one was out of steam and unable to take part. Gas
out numbered steam about 10 to 1, but that is not unusual.
The photo shown here was identified for us by the Rev. Robert C.
Kahler, show announcer, R.D. 2, Dallastown, Pennsylvania and Todd
W. Eyster, of Stewartstown. Some of the participants (and audience
members, no doubt) traveled from Maryland to take part. William
McCleary, 70 Dew Drop Road, York, Pennsylvania 17403 is the person
to contact for next year’s dates.