Cowgill, Missouri 64637.
Preparations for the North Missouri Steam and Gas Engine Antique
Show and Demonstration’s ninth annual affair began long before
the Aug. 18-20 show dates. Much planning and paper work took place
during the spring months and culminated with 1972’s show being
a big success, as witnessed by the 2,700 paid attendance.
Exhibitors began arriving in Hamilton Monday, Aug. 14, and all
over the country various antique items were being removed from
sheds, cleaned, painted and generally spruced up for showing. Women
of the area were busily engaged in stitching up new dresses of old
fashion design and restoring original creations belonging to
mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, to be worn in the parade
and during the three-day event.
Youngsters were properly impressed by the demonstrations of
crafts of yesteryear and moms, dads and grandparents were often
called upon to dredge up memories of ‘when I was a
The business block of Hamilton fairly bustled with old time
bargains at sidewalk sales with gaily dressed clerks and lots of
that all-too-often forgotten commodity known in days gone by
TV programs, fast cars and modern conveniences such as air
conditioning were left behind for awhile as young and old alike
enjoyed displays of antique glassware, old coins, ceramics,
candles, jewelry, foods, antique cars (like grandpa used to drive),
150 gas engines of every size, tractors and horse drawn machinery
and of course the demonstrations of threshing, straw baling, clover
hulling, Baker fan competition and pony pulling contests.
Thresher’s meals were served on the grounds, drawings and
contests were staged and a large crowd watched as the parade made
the rounds Saturday. The Association reports approximately 300
exhibitors, some from out of state and many from the far corners of
Missouri, seven large steam engines, 12 model steamers, 15 tractors
and 150 gas engines. Horses and mules were also present and one
onlooker reports the sight of a balky mule team brought back many
memories of childhood.
This year’s show was labeled a success by people in general,
but the greatest valuethe contribution of genuine, wholesome
pleasure to hundreds of people, will never be fully known. Pleasure
is something each individual must measure within himself and the
fact that many keep returning to Hamilton each year at Steam Engine
Show time makes it plain that all the hard work and planning by the
Association is worthwhile.