Route 2, Albert City, Iowa 50510
A bit of nostalgia filled the air near Albert City, Iowa as the
young and the ‘young at heart’ came to attend the Annual
Threshermen and Collectors Show on August 13, 14, 1976. This was
the first year to be at the new permanent show site located 2 miles
west and 1 north on the black top from Albert City.
Nestled in one of the shaded areas were the gas engines that
varied from the tiny scale size engines of Herb Glasnapp to the
assorted larger makes of Harry Hanson. Twenty four gas engine
exhibitors created a lot of enjoyment for those of us who visited
‘Gas Engine Land.’
Fifty nine gas tractors located on Tractor Hill were represented
by a variety of makes and sizes including a 30-60 Aultman Taylor of
Mark Erickson and a Cod of Dale Lindstrum.
Some of the tractors that were at the show for the first time
included a 1917 Huber cross-mount of Curt Stein, a 28-50 Hart Parr
of Paul and Bill Schulte, a 15-27 Crossmount Case of Ed Lammers, a
Silver King of Robert Strandbert, a J. D. L of Darrel Gebers, a J.
D. AW of Eldon Johnson, a Twin City of Richard Sehl, a J. D. GP
wide tread of Leroy Freeze, a McCormick 10-20 of Arnold Bolder, a
McCormick 15-30 of Ted Schulte, a Farmall Regular of Eldon
Woodford, a Fordson of Simon Kooima, a Case CC of Arlan Brouchous,
an Oliver-Parr of George and Oscar Wilson, a La Crosse Happy Farmer
that was formerly owned by Carl Peterson and a small Gibson by Jake
Smoke and steam from a 20-60 Aultman Taylor steam engine was
managed by Harry Swanson and Dean Lindblad. When not on the 36th
separator, they hooked onto a 6-bottom hand lift platform plow and
made a round in the stubble field.
Draft horses had an important role at the show. Carl Madson and
Keith Lindblad’s draft horses were kept busy hauling bundles,
grinding feed, hauling and elevating oats and plowing. Mule power
was demonstrated by a pair owned by Paul Lindgrin and sons.
Scale size equipment also created a lot of interest at the
Albert City event. Some of the exhibits included the 1/2 scale IH
tractor and threshing unit of Garret Havelaar, 1/3 scale 65 Case
steam engine of Claire and Andy Elsbury, 1/3 scale Case engine of
Leo Mohoney, 1918 scale navy bean thresher from Grand Meadow
Heritage Center, miniature steam engine and thresher of Jake
Smouse, miniature gas engines of Russ Carpenter and of H. W.
Borcherding, miniature steam engines and whistles of M. B. Woley, a
Model Oil Pull of R. W. Krieg, Model Mogul tractor of Melvin
Joenks, and a small tractor made by Terry and Todd Applegate’s
Of the several antique cars and trucks on display, Jerry Richter
brought his 1924 Model T roadster to the show for the first time.
Another first time exhibit was a 1948 Indian Chief motorcycle of
Wes Hilderbrant.
Stone ground whole wheat flour was produced on the grounds
through the efforts of Merel Peterson and some willing students.
Reports came from the camping area that it made mighty good tasting
The sawmill located in the shade, drew attention through the
efforts of Karl Lindblad and his assistants. The shingle mill and
lathe mill located a short distance away, kept Emery Shold and his
young helpers busy turning out souvenirs.
The blacksmith shop, with a humble beginning, kept Swede
Erickson and Merrel Reineking wondering when the cool breezes would
be coming from the northwest.
The food stand, located in the center of a cool shaded area, was
popular. The food, including homemade pies, was prepared and served
by the ladies of the Association.
The Apple Cider Hut was another popular place. Making apple
cider was demonstrated and also served by some willing young
Through the efforts of Clair and Andy Elsbury, freshly sawed
round wooden souvenirs were made by their saw, belted to their
1/3 scale Case steam engine.
The 54′ x 90′ exhibit and demonstration building was a
busy place during the show. Some of the demonstrations included
hair curling with rags, quilting bee, quilling, sock making, rug
loom, spinning wool, tatting, etc. Several areas were arranged with
displays of farm and home antiques including a display of
interesting quilts.
A new addition for the show was a Senior Citizens Tour Wagon.
The canopy covered unit, built by Dale Lindstrum, enabled its
riders to observe the action on the grounds without having to walk.
The tour unit included a ramp and a space to help people in wheel
Other activities of the 2-day show included a slow tractor race,
a horses vs. humans pulling contest and a rolling pin throwing
The Albert City Threshermen & Collectors Assn., a non-profit
organization, extends a ‘Thank you’ to those who came to
exhibit or visit past shows and we are looking forward to renewing
old acquaintances and to meeting new friends.