R.R. 2, Arcola, Illinois 61910
‘I’ve been to better shows, but I can’t remember
when,’ was the comment of an old veteran thresher-man as he
watched the big 28-80 HP Case, 25-85 Nichols & Shepard and
30-60 Aultman Taylor rip open the black virgin prairie with a
5-16′ plow. ‘Yes, wouldn’t the late Justin Hintgtgen be
Nichols and Shepard and Case engine, (both formerly owned by
Justin) perform so majectically on the belt as well as on the
plow,’ was the comment from another spectator from the
bordering state of Iowa.
This show takes me back to the shows of the early 50s when
action was the key word, was the comment of another spectator. To
the many men and women who exhibit and help put on the Douglas
County Historical Steam and Gas Show these comments were music to
their ears for they were outward signs of appreciation for the many
long, hard hours they had worked to make the show such a success.
As anyone knows, a show is only as good as the men and women who
put it on, and down at Arcola, Illinois, the show is blessed with
such people. Many events such as corn shelling with steam, plowing
with steam and gas, sawing, threshing, gas engine displays, antique
farm machinery display, Baker fans, tractor teeter totter, just to
name a few, were constantly going on during the three-day show.
In the recently restored barn, arts and crafts and an antique
show were being held offering choice items for sale as all items
for sale are quality controlled so that the buyer may benefit. The
stately Jacob R. Moore home, built in 1873, opened its doors to the
many hundreds of spectators for an educational venture into the
mid-Victorian past. One thing that surprised the many women who
were explaining the history of the home upon request, was that of
the hundreds that toured the home, the men enjoyed it as well as
the women and children. The home is furnished with rare 1810 to
1876 period furnishings which provides the young and old a chance
to hear and see how prominent pioneers of the Midwest Prairie such
as Jacob R. Moore chose to live and build in the once swamp lands
that turned into the richest producing soil that this country has
ever known.
Paul Alsip of Ogden, Illinois operates the big 28-80 Case on the
plow while Herman Nunnally of Lebanon, Indiana keeps a steady hand
on the wheel and a close eye on the fresh furrow.
Pouring rain on Sunday didn’t hamper the spirits of the
spectators as events were continued when possible and the Jacob R.
Moore home, barn and new steel building provided ample coziness and
shelter during the rain showers. No sooner had the gates to the
grounds closed on the last day of the show, when plans were started
for the next upcoming summer show. New rare pieces of antique farm
machinery and Victorian furnishings will be ready for viewing and