Submitted by Conrad H. Milster, Sec-Treas., 178 Emerson
Place, Brooklyn, New York 11205
Two well-known stationary steam engine groups have merged to
form the International Stationary Steam Engine Society. Born of the
Stationary Engine Society (United States) and the Stationary Engine
Research Group (England), the new ISSES organization offers an
stationary steam history.
We would like to invite all with an interest in steam to join us
in the International Stationary Steam Engine Society. A twenty
dollar annual membership in ISSES will help support interest in and
appreciation of the history, documentation and preservation of
stationary steam engines throughout the world. Each member will
receive a quarterly bulletin of international interest.
The American directors of ISSES are Roger Robertson, Conrad
Milster, and George King III. For membership information please
contact: Conrad H. Milster, 178 Emerson Place, Brooklyn, New