Further indication of increasing interest in the Steam Traction
Field is evidenced by the recent organization of another group in
Central Pennsylvania pledged to carry on in that field by reviving
agricultural machinery activities at the nearly century-old
GRANGERS PICNIC, at Williams Grove, Pa., in September.
Enola, and Roy E. Richwine, Jr., of Mechanicsburg R. D., held an
organizational meeting in March.
Officers elected at that meeting included Mr. Hull, as
president; Lee Karns, Lemoyne, vice president; George F. Fawber,
511 W. 16th Street, New Cumberland, Secretary-Treasurer; Rev. Elmer
Ritzman, Enola, Chaplain; and R. H. Steinmetz, Camp Hill, Publicity
A second meeting at Dillsburg, in April attracted 38 interested
persons and committees were appointed to carry out plans for the
exhibit at Williams Grove, September 3, 4, 5, and 7. Tentative
arrangements for a lively program were advanced and members polled
for equipment. Indications point to approximately 10 steam traction
engines, several oil-pull tractors, a steam shovel, two or more
stationary steam engines, models of traction and railroad steam
engines, threshing equipment and various types of old-time farm
equipment on display
Further arrangements will be discussed at a meeting to be held
May 27th at Williams Grove. The group issues an open invitation to
any interested person or persons to attend or write to the
Secretary, Geo. F. Fawber, 5111 West 16th Street, New Cumberland,
for further information.