The generation of high pressure steam and the corresponding
temperature so essential to the adequate heating of the deeper
producing zones is accomplished by the Lawler Model 100-A steam
generator. This generator is an entirely different design than any
other boiler or steam generator available for commercial use. It is
design to the modern generators used in steam plants to generate
electrical power. It is fully automatic in operation. The unit is
not to be confused with the common types of circular coil heaters
or low pressure boilers.
The heating of the well is accomplished by allowing pressure
from the steam generator to create a natural downward flow to the
bottom of the closed heat exchange system and return upward to the
make-up tank for re-use.
Conduction then carries the heat brought through the heat
exchange system to the surrounding free oil and into the producing
The action of these natural principles eliminates the necessity
for oil well circulation pumps, thus materially reducing
maintenance and operating costs.
The automatic controls are activated by a standard 6 or 12 volt
battery or by a standard 110 volt A. C. electrical service.
Boiler feed (injection) pumps require no extra motive power as
they are activated by the walking beam or vertical pumping, unit,
when used with a pumping unit.
No special knowledge, training, or licensing of the field
operator is required. Original instruction of the
manufacturer’s representative is sufficient. The unit is
certified for unattended operation, meets required safety orders
and is certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
No. 3632.
In addition to bottom hole heating, the Lawler dry steam
generator is used exclusively to operate the Lawler steam driven
pumping unit described in a later section. Steam for oil storage
tank heating also is available whenever this system is
Bottom hole heating of oil wells represents a great potential
for increased production and secondary recovery in those situations
where heavy crudes are presenting production problems or have
fallen below economic returns.
Production problems which arise with paraffins, asphalts, and
wax in some lighter gravity crudes also are solved by thorough
application of heat to the well.