Route 1, Berryville, Virginia 22611
The Shenandoah Valley Steam and Gas Engine Association has had a
very busy year. The club has grown a good deal both in membership
and activities. Monthly meetings were held the third Friday of each
month in Winchester.
The club purchased a Chase shingle mill which they assembled and
was bought and used for this year’s show.
In early May the club participated in the Shenandoah Valley
Apple Blossom Festival Fireman’s Parade in Winchester. The
three entries consisted of a Frick traction engine, a horse drawn
steam fire pumper and an antique fire wagon. These entries drew
much interest in this parade which is the largest fireman’s
parade in the world. Also, these items were exhibited at parades in
Front Royal and Berryville.
There were several work parties and a picnic at the Berryville
Show Grounds in preparation for the show on July 25, 26 and 27.
More people than ever attended and exhibited at this year’s
show. Thirteen traction engines were shown. There were four Fricks,
three Peerless, one Huber, one Farquhar, one Case, one
Aultman-Taylor and two homemade model engines. Also, on hand were
seven gas tractors, at least 100 gas engines and 27 models.
Various miscellaneous items included sewing machines,
children’s models, marine type engine, ‘cretors’
engines, old type chain and cross-cut saws, a rock crusher and a
corn cracker.
Demonstrations of wheat flailing were a new feature this year.
The sawmill as always provided entertainment for all. Threshing of
wheat was done as usual. The steam calliope from Pennsylvania
appeared on Sunday, much to the delight of young and old.
Thirteen antique automobiles were on hand at various times
throughout the week-end. The blacksmith shop was in business as
usual. The ‘smithy’ repaired tools, made miniature
horseshoes for the children and delighted all with his craft. The
flea market was busy. Their wares were many and varied.
The fall banquet was held in Winchester at Duff’s Rebel
Restaurant on November 1, 1969. Eighty-seven persons attended.
After a bountiful meal, reports were made on the activities of the
past year. Door prizes were awarded and movies shown. Everyone
enjoyed ‘Buster Keaton’ in ‘The General’.
An election of officers was held. Those who will serve in 1970
are: President, Paul Giles; Vice President, Wm. T. Clark;
Secretary, Mrs. Paul Giles; Treasurer, Wayne Godlove; Directors:
Harry Lichliter, Ralph Maddox, Gene Reed, Oscar Chapman, William
Hall, Elmer Schafer, Wm. Clem, Ralph Lewin and C. Frank