Route 1, Box 13, Steinauer, Nebraska 68441.
The Camp Creek Show, Waverly, Nebraska, was held July
18,19,1981. The first day there were many activities such as a
parade, antique tractor pull, lumber sawing, corn shelling, corn
grinding and threshing. This year there were twice as many swap
meet stands, twice as many engines, tractors and old cars and
Sunday was a big day with more swap booths coming in along with
many more engines and antique cars. The large Reeves steam engine
did lumber sawing several times that day. The corn grinder operated
almost all day. There was a one-horse sweep grinder and it was a
beautiful sight to watch the nice large draft horse do its job.
The Joliet sheller had several tractors keeping it rolling and
the threshers were powered with the Case steamer and various
tractors. The Reeves steamer powered the saw mill every time it was
There was a lot of music and singing at the MC stand and with
the nice large cottonwood trees furnishing a lot of shade, there
was plenty of visiting!
Mr. John Prolek of Schuyler, Nebraska, again was the senior
exhibitor at age 88 with his scale model of a Case steamer that he
built about 22 years ago.
Sunday there was also plowing with horses furnishing the power.
It was the first time some of the younger generation had ever seen
horses plowing a field.
A good time was enjoyed by all!