415 N. E. 14th Street Abeline, Kansas
You will find enclosed check for my renewal. I can hardly wait
for the next issue, keep up the good work. I am sending you two
pictures of a 75 hp. Case my father bought in 1913. We run it every
year until 1941. Father passed away in 1931 at 77 years of age. He
had the first traction engine in Dickinson County, Kansas. He came
This old engine was a part of me from a boy to man. You can tell
that man who had the letter in your last ALBUM that likes combines
(S. H. Harem), that farmers got rich using steam and went broke
using combines. I do some threshing each year yet. I have a small
separator I.H.C. 28′ and 15-30 tractor. We threshed oats one
day this year, 1750 bushel from 9 A. M., to 12 noon, and 1 P. M.,
to 7 P. M. good day for a 28′. I go to Wichita, Kansas, every
year and have the time of my life. Keep up the good work.
The pictures are of my son and myself.