Casey Chats Again

By S. C. Casey Jones
Published on November 1, 1971
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Gaar-Scott 25 Hp. double cylinder at Pion-Era 1969. This is a splendid engine.
Gaar-Scott 25 Hp. double cylinder at Pion-Era 1969. This is a splendid engine.
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Rumely, double cylinder, at Pion-Era.
Rumely, double cylinder, at Pion-Era.
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Case engine on wood saw. Plenty of poles in background at Pion-Era 1969.
Case engine on wood saw. Plenty of poles in background at Pion-Era 1969.

Box 21, Wichita, Kansas 67201

Oh, that bright and cloudless morning 1890 B.C. (before
combines) two black oxen by the name of Tom and Gerry seemed to be
pulling a puffen’ steam engine in the direction of our four
round wheat stacks but neither Tom nor Gerry was pullen a pound and
they knowed et. When they came to a steep place in the road the old

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