Cedar Valley Engine Club

By Bill Neal and Sr.
Published on March 1, 1984
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1913 30-60 Hart Parr.
1913 30-60 Hart Parr.
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Roger Bryan of Racine, Minnesota, with -scale under mounted A very pulling Harold Swartz rock's scale model saw mill.
Roger Bryan of Racine, Minnesota, with -scale under mounted A very pulling Harold Swartz rock's scale model saw mill.
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Paul Squires 90 HP Rumely at 1983 Cedar Valley Engine Show.
Paul Squires 90 HP Rumely at 1983 Cedar Valley Engine Show.

The 1983 Cedar Valley Engine Club Threshers Reunion was held
Labor Day weekend, 7 miles west of Charles City, Iowa, on highway

We had some new exhibitors this year which added some new spark
to our already well-attended show. Some gas engines from Minnesota
were real good additions to our show. Mr. Lloyd Monroe from

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