We had an old-fashioned North Dakota Blizzard last year and then
a miniature Blizzard every other day since. We have more snow than
air now. On Saturday night Lawrence Welk had a snow storm on one of
his scenes, the only stones I have were under 8 feet of snow or I
would have thrown a stone through the picture tube. The way things
look now we will have snow piles during the Williams Grove Show and
subscribers who come to the Show.
Send us your show dates so we may advertise them. If you take an
advertisement with us of your Show during the year there is no
charge for the Comings announcement, if not we ask five dollars.
But send your date as soon as possible.
We will accept 2 year renewals but discourage longer periods. It
makes a complication in our bookkeeping that is not good. Our
previous announcement of this sounded as though we would only take
2 year subscription renewals.