Spring is here. Somewhere. I don’t think I can remember when
we’ve had such a cold, wet spring. I suppose when we’re
getting ready for Christmas, it will still be 80 out. Oh well,
I’m really glad for the rain. We planted some trees and grass
and I’m hoping they’ll get a good start. We’re really
amateurs at this gardening, but we enjoy trying.
Do you know, we have some very astute and observant readers?
Karl Lubkeman of 215 North 3rd, Sheffield, Iowa noticed that the
Gaar Scott on page 22 of the May June Issue was wrong side around.
We’re assuming that the print was made off of the negative
backwards. My heavens, we can’t get away with anything, can
To All You Baker Steam Engine Owners. A note
from Mr. H. E. Beckemeyer, Tolono, Illinois 61880. He writes
‘Do I have your name, address, serial number, and H. P. of your
engine? I have tried to make us a complete list by writing you or
attending shows, etc. This list will go to print in the very near
future, so let me hear from you now as I know you will want this
brochure after it is made up. I have around 65 Baker engines listed
so far.’ Any of you Baker Owners who are interested get in
touch with Mr. Beckemeyer. A letter from Mr. W. E. Dearing, Suite
101 at 10 Edmonton St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Mr. Dearing
writes to thank you readers for your help in locating for him the
Pierce Governor Co. Unfortunately, some of you who answered had old
addresses, so Mr. Dearing sent us the current address. The Pierce
Governor Co. Inc., P. O. Box 2000, Upland, Indiana 46989.
From Mr. Robert G. Schall, R. D. 2, Box 231-E, Nazareth,
Pennsylvania 18064 we have a request. Mr. Schall is a hoisting
engine operator and operates both Steam and Electrical Engines.
These engines were built by the S. Flory Mfg. Co., Bangor,
Pennsylvania. He would like to get in touch with someone that has a
Maintenance Manual on the care and operation of these engines,
especially the Steam Hoisting Engines. He would also like to hear
from anyone that has pictures of the ‘Lehigh & New England
Railroad’ (L&NE) Steam Locomotives – especially number
seven (7) and number forty nine (49) Locomotives. He will return
the postage stamps to those that write to him.
From Wayne Hanson, P. O. Box 444, Mountain Lake, Minnesota
56159. ‘Just writing to let you know about our threshing bee.
Last winter Ned Gustafson, who has since passed away, stopped at
the bank in Butter-field, Minnesota and suggested we have a Steam
Threshing Bee. One thing let to another and now we have formed the
Butterfield Threshers Association. Our show will be August 20 at
Butterfield, Minnesota. We have two gas engines that we think are
quite rare. One is a Lightning Haypress Co. engine from Kansas
City. The other is an inverted Hart Parr engine. We have several
steam engines coming in and many gas tractors and engines. We also
will have hand feed thresh, machine and miniature thresh,
machine.” Good luck to a new organization and a new
‘Please Help!! I recently purchased a
stationary upright steam engine – about a 6 x 9 and am unable to
find the manufacturer of this engine.’ This is from Mr. Everett
Brock, Jr., 109 Boyd Avenue, Mc-Minnville, Tennessee 37110. He
continues, ‘I will give you all the information I have and
maybe you can help. On the crosshead I find C & DC (C &
DCo.) The name on the valve lid or steam chest lid has been
partially ground off and looks like this.
This engine was put in use in 1919 and in excellent condition.
Has Gardner Governor.’ Can anyone help Mr. Brock?
Well, we’re pretty full of reunion ads this time, so
I’ll cut things short. Have a wonderful summer and Earl, the
children and I are looking forward to meeting many of you.