Collecting Steam

By Bill Powell
Published on March 1, 1995
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Lindauer's 1912 Kitten engine is the oldest known Kitten in existence.
Lindauer's 1912 Kitten engine is the oldest known Kitten in existence.
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A Kitten threshing machine is identical to the one owned by Lindauer.
A Kitten threshing machine is identical to the one owned by Lindauer.
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The Lindauers' Kitten is admired by school children during a demonstration.
The Lindauers' Kitten is admired by school children during a demonstration.
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Logo from a 1920 Waterloo Boy 2 cylinder gasoline/kerosene tractor
Logo from a 1920 Waterloo Boy 2 cylinder gasoline/kerosene tractor
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A large pile of pumps for possible use in future projects
A large pile of pumps for possible use in future projects
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A wheel and chain drive from a 1916 Titan tractor.
A wheel and chain drive from a 1916 Titan tractor.

Photos by Tim Myers. Reprinted from the Dubois County, Indiana

Sent to us by Jerry Kitten, R.R. 2, Box 6, Slaton, Texas

It takes Francis ‘Franz’ Lindauer the better part of
five family farm buildings to store a priceless collection of

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