Was pleased to have GEORGE and DON GRILLEY, together with
Don’s wife and uncle Maynard from Deering, No. Dak., stop in.
They were enroute to Elroy, Wis., their ancestral home, to fetch
additional items for their large collection of antiques which
includes 3 steamers, 9 old tractors, 4 threshers, many gas engines
and now a Birdsall Clover Huller. We want to visit them perchance
Have had correspondence by tape with AL SHADE (9831 Aldridge
Drive, Columbis Station, Ohio) this winter. His tapes are spiced
with various recordings of traction engines and southern
locomotives. From what I gather he must have quite a library of
Railroad recordings and shares them willingly. Speaking of
locomotives, several years ago KENNETH PETERSON (road contractor
from Gibbon, Minn.) handed me a picture that has baffled me ever
since. Perhaps some ALBUM reader could cast some light on the
incident. It shows two locomotives that hit head-on. Kenneth had no
information on it. He also gave me a picture of a sadly dismantled
Best steamer that had been used to pull a combine in Montana. This
picture was taken in 1926 and may be some reader may recognize
The school marm was orienting her beginners the first day of
school, ‘Now if anyone needs to go to the bath room raise two
fingers.’ A moment of silence and a little girl spoke up,
‘How will that help?’
At Christmas time I received a short note from G. ELMER CARLSON
(24 Summit St., Fairport N. Y.) Elmer and I went to grade school
together until 1920 when his parents sold out and moved to Seneca
Falls, N. Y. Now he tells me a friend of his takes the ALBUM and he
is reading the ‘Dairyland News.’ Gosh sometimes I get an
inner feeling I’m being watched kind of close. I am sure glad I
have a qualified minister to censor this free lance scribbling (of
course in no way does it reflect the contention of this
Sometime ago NYLE KURTH of Eau Claire, borrowed me a clipping.
We got quite a bang out of it so typed it and enclose it