Dairyland Driftings

By Gil
Published on November 1, 1961
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Mr. F. D. Sturges of 2819 Ravens-wood Ave., Port Huron, Mich. Age 89. Mr. Sturges has been connected with Port Huron machinery for over 60 years. He can furnish repairs and has most of the original patterns for Port Huron machinery
Mr. F. D. Sturges of 2819 Ravens-wood Ave., Port Huron, Mich. Age 89. Mr. Sturges has been connected with Port Huron machinery for over 60 years. He can furnish repairs and has most of the original patterns for Port Huron machinery
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Moved from Lone Rock, Wisconsin, in 1876 to Richland Center, Wisconsin. They started building the road from Richland Center approximately 16 miles from Lone Rock, Wisconsin. C. M. and St. Paul Railroad, then known as Milwaukee and Mississippi. Photo taken
Moved from Lone Rock, Wisconsin, in 1876 to Richland Center, Wisconsin. They started building the road from Richland Center approximately 16 miles from Lone Rock, Wisconsin. C. M. and St. Paul Railroad, then known as Milwaukee and Mississippi. Photo taken

It was a pleasure to have Adam and Lena Dahlman from Power,
Montana stop over here. I worked for him on his grain farm back in
’35 raising certified spring wheat must say that was my idea of
farming all tractors and no milk cows but seems fate had me booked
otherwise. Yeah, leap-year caught up with me, so with a couple cows
and a modest credit-rating ‘we’ started farming dairy-wise.

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