There’s a certain amount of satisfaction, once anticipation
gets to be realization. We rolled up the 150 foot drive belt for
our steam rig and bucked the 28 X 50 into the shed with the Rock
Island Tractor, thus the 1962 threshing is now past tense. The
’50’ steamer parked, pending silo filling. The nostalgia of
steam-power inspired friends from scattered points and different
Got my spouse back from Norway and things on our homestead
getting back to normal, sorta getting used to each other. Seven
weeks of ‘batching’ was enough for me and equal time seemed
to suffice her visit over there. She learned a lot about Norway and
its people that is not written up in tourist folders. I doubt
she’ll write a book on it, but she can keep you busy listening
and looking at slides taken far into the night. Pleasing to me are
several slides taken of live steam wood-burning locomotives. Steam
ain’t dead yet on Norway railroads. Speaking of railroads, she
rode on a crowded passenger train from Trondheim to Dombas,
something like 150 American miles, passing thru 29 tunnels which
gives an idea of the terrain and expense encountered to build roads
as well as railroads and accounts for the heavy passenger service
on railroads. Alice was obliged to sit on the floor for 1/3 the
distance or stand up. In making adjustments to foreign eating
habits and tolerating their means of travel, in observing their
methods pursued in farming; one could hardly say they are behind
times, rather it should be accepted that perhaps our methods and
mad pace is beyond their comprehension. Lawyers are few and far
between, psychiatrists unheard of and no evidence of unemployment
problems. Countries, such as Norway are tar less apt to suffer a
set-back due to hasty spending and misused credit. It’s a known
fact that in nations such as ours, with high standards of living
there is also the increase of crime. Norway is content to let well
enough alone.
WALTER BIERITZ from Yorkville, Illinois, with his wife and son,
JERRY stopped in en route to points north. He tells me he now has
acquired all sizes of Sandwich gas engines, besides a number of old
tractors. He also informed me that FRANK MILLER of Lacrosse,
Indiana, now has his museum of old tractors, open to the public,
since his ‘open-house’ last Memorial Day. Congratulations
Had a handsome group of friends here for a potluck picnic on
July 4th. Run several old tractors and the Steamer as well as a
number of gas engines including KARL MARGUARDTS’ rare
The BLAIRE DOLLERY family from New Richmond, Wisconsin stopped
for a short visit enroute to Twin Ports for a week-end. They were
towing a unique Dollerys ‘Covered Wagon’ camper designed
and built by BLAIR GOOD camping folks.
DENNIS ANDRES from Duluth who is quite a camera fan came over
just in time to take a pass at driving my Indiana with the 5 foot
mower. That’s when I run movies, at times I thought he was a
bit in distress. A group of enthusiasts from the Duluth proximity
plan to stage a thresh Bee come the second Sunday in October. One
of the star attractions will be OLIVER HALTLI’S double cylinder
Minneapolis 18 hp No. 4086. He says it used to be a double-stack
and if he can get I enough specifications will venture to duplicate
the original. Any information on this new show can be had by
contacting MILTON A. WATRY, 3160 Fairfield Rd., Proctor Branch,
Duluth 10, Minnesota.
Had a nice visit with Ray and Mrs. ALBERTSON of Cogswell, N. D.
He said he understood I took subs to the ALBUM and so I gladly
forwarded said order. Ray has collected many antiques including a
stone-burr mill and Keystone hand feed thresher. He builds portable
forms for stacking hay in their range country.
When STANLEY PETERSON from : Shell Lake belts up an old tractor,
I’m very apt to be there. This time, we took pictures and tape
recording of his 18-36 Hart-Parr belted to his 22 inch John Deere
thresher working ten acres of Sank oats. Happy day, Stan. MARVIN
GREENS, Sue and Jerry from Boydon, Iowa ventured into our dairy
state to observe how we farm ‘the hard way’. He visited
several old car fans in this vicinity and accompanied us to the
Almelund, Minn, thresh-bee. You all come again!
Following the Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association
Meeting at Sussex, Wis., ALDEN and MARTHA MOURAL from Milton, Iowa
spent a few days at the DENNIE MAGNUSON home at Center City,
Minnesota. A group of Early Day collectors gathered at the Magnuson
home for a potluck dinner as a friendly gesture for our guests who
have so devotedly held the position as National Secretary and
Treasurer of said Association. At this writing, we anticipate a
trip south to include several reunions as well as a visit to the
RUEBEN BOHMAN farm at Alpha, Illinois and of course, we will have
our ‘side-kick’ GEO. CHRISTIAN along, we hope. George sez,
‘A fellow in Swanville started to work last week, you know it
beats all heck what some people will do for money’. Well,
that’s sompin wrong when a fellow has to kill himself a –
working to keep himself alive.