September 28, 1958, at the American Legion Hall, two miles north
of Arcanum, Ohio, on State Route 49, the annual meeting of the Dark
County Steam Threshers Association, Inc., Greenville, Ohio, was
held. There were 38 active members present. The election of
officers and other business was conducted at this time.
The following officers were elected: Sylvester B. Ditmer,
Secretary; Hary Ary, Treasurer. Board of Directors: Homer Holp,
Clark Davidson, Asa Humston, Leonard Lambert, Herb Ekle, Elmer
Egbert, and Vernie Brown.
It was decided to hold the Reunion again at the Harvey Estey
farm 1 miles east of Greenville, Ohio, on State Route 71, July 17,
18, and 19, 1959.