By Shirley Nicholson
Published on September 1, 1973
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The preceding article and pictures were sent to us by Mr. John Steinkuhl, 1214 Second avenue, Evansville, Indiana 47710. We thank the North side Reporter and Shirley Nicholson for permission to reprint same. -S-73
The preceding article and pictures were sent to us by Mr. John Steinkuhl, 1214 Second avenue, Evansville, Indiana 47710. We thank the North side Reporter and Shirley Nicholson for permission to reprint same. -S-73

It is an unusually cool day in July. The clouds form a
protective cover from the hot sun. The once golden sea of wheat has
been cut and shocked.

In the middle of an open field, a crowd gathers around a massive
steam engine. The steam is up. The whistle blows and a wagon,
overflowing with wheat, pulls up alongside the threshing machine.

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