Steam traction engine history dating back to 1868 is recorded in
a new Stemgas reprint now available.
The 28-page booklet presents ‘Development of the Steam
Traction Engine in America,’ written as a series of articles by
C. M. Giddings for the American Thresherman magazine in 1916 and
Giddings spoke with personal knowledge on much of the history he
recounted. He started his report with C. & G. Cooper in Mt.
Vernon, Ohio, among the first firms producing a self-propelled
steam engine for farm use. The history is full of technical
information that steam men of today will enjoy.
The 20 illustrations include some rare items the first traction
engine built by Owens, Lane & Duyer, Hamilton, Ohio; a chain
drive atlas, and a four-wheel drive pole road locomotive built by
Adams & Price.
Price is $2.00 a copy postpaid. Order from Stemgas Publishing
Company, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603.