R. D. 3, Ephrata, Pa. 17522
The article in Iron Man Album by Steve Davis of West Winfield,
New York finding an 8-16 Avery was somewhat different from my
Sometime in August a friend Mr. Robert Lefever asked me if he
should purchase an Avery for me, or did I have time to go with him
locating an Avery. After a bit of heckling I handed Bob a blank
check with my signature and instructions to pay according to its
condition if one was located. Upon his return I was congratulated
as being the owner of an 8-16 Avery, and was given instructions
when and where to pick it up.
This being the week of our R & T Threshermans reunion, plans
were made to pick it up at a later date. After getting in touch by
phone with Ira and Jeneva Fyock of RD 1 Commodore, Pennsylvania, my
wife and I made the trip a week later by truck and were given a
very hearty reception. Mr. and Mrs. Fyock insisted that we stay for
dinner. After the Avery had been loaded Ira showed us his beautiful
man size model Peerless traction engine.
Hope to restore the 8-16 for our 1975 Rough and Tumble
Threshermans Reunion at Kinzer, Pennsylvania.