Hasen’t this been a delightful Fall? At least the weather
has been wonderful around this section of the country. Come to
think of it you westerners would have another story to tell if you
were writing this column by what I’ve been reading in the
papers. It has really just turned cold here this past week. The
helping them disrobe this week end.
Anna Mae and our families are football fans, especially since
her son plays on our High School team and our girl, Marsha, is in
the Band. So we’ve had ideal weather to be sitting on the
bleachers every Saturday afternoon.
Elmer and I enjoyed our visit with the Early American Steam
Engine Club of Stoverstown, Pa. They had their annual Ladies Night
Banquet and Dance. The tables were prettily decorated with Fall
flowers. Mr. Paul White, the President, used a unique way to call
the group to order. He used a small steam whistle with one of his
Model engines. It was used also as a center piece at the speakers
table. The small whistle was blown by a tank of compressed air
inside the reading desk. The food was sure delicious and plentiful.
We ladies were all given lovely corsages while the men smoked free
cigars. Before the entertainment started, a short Memorial Prayer
was offered by my hubby for the deceased families and loved ones.
Movies were shown after the orchestra finished playing at 10
Their ladies would put some of the rest of us to shame when you
hear how active they’ve been with their husband’s hobby.
They have gone all out to help raise money for the organization by
Bake Sales, Card Parties, etc.
I wonder if these men realize what prize packages they possess!
I think It is simply wonderful for such sharing of work, interest
and pleasure between families. It makes for such wholesome
atmosphere at home and for every day living. Keep up the good work
Now that Elmer is back home again after six weeks of roaming, I
believe I’ll be a better woman for more than one reason.
Especially, he can keep an eye on me so I walk ‘the straight
and narrow path,’ as well as keep me busy. Gee, it sure is nice
to have him home.