Hi Ladies!
I guess you are all as busy as I have been. Is your Spring
housecleaning finished?
Thank goodness for a very good helper I have, because I sure
don’t feel like doing it when I come home from school.
We’ve been testing and recording. This always means a great
the satisfaction of her accomplishments. Each child’s results
are compared to the years previous work in each subject.
We had the pleasure of having as our house guest, Mr. & Mrs.
Charles Idol, Steam Engine Friends, from Winston Salem, N. C. over
the week-end in middle of April.
I thought they would enjoy visiting with some more Steam Fans so
the Elmer Schaefers of Yoe and Amos Brandts from Bainbridge came in
Saturday night for supper. The steam sure did go up on the old
gauges around here.
Sunday evening of the same week-end our two most efficient
helpers as Secretaries, Irene Gertzen and Anna Mae Branyan with
their families came in to have a picnic supper with us. Their
children are such nice youngsters. It was a pleasant evening for
Elmer and me. I hope they felt so too.
The next week-end we (the folks from Yoe and Bainbridge)
journeyed to Eastern Shore, Maryland to enjoy their delicious
Spring banquet on Saturday evening.
It was nice seeing many familiar faces once again. Certainly a
wonderful way to ‘stir-up’ interest for this coming summer
reunions. Not that these folks need much encouragement.
Mr. & Mrs. jimmy Layton with family, Shirley, Brenda, and
Patricia, entertained us with a luscious Sunday picnic luncheon out
on the grounds where the machinery is kept. It was a beautiful day
and we couldn’t ask for a fuller day of hospitality shown to
us. Thanks to each and every one of you!
I promised this receipe of No-Roll Pie Crust to Mrs. W. J.
Eshelman of Lancaster, Penna. last fall. Each time I write I forget
to enclose it. Thought perhaps some of you other ladies would care
to know about it also. So here it is:
1 Cups Flour
1 Teaspoon Sugar
Teaspoon Salt
Sift into pie pan
Cup Veg. Oil
2 Tablespoons Milk (cold)
Mix into dry ingredients. Press into pie pan-flute edge. Bake
425 degrees.
This will save you getting out your rolling pin for a one crust
Don’t work too hard. Hope to see you soon at Reunions!