Hi Folks!
I’ve had the nicest day. Isn’t it wonderful to have
friends? I was no more than awake this morning, than I had a
telephone call from Mrs. Genny Alexander wondering if I’d have
a few minutes to spend to visit with her. She usually calls several
times a week, but we hadn’t spoken once since last Sunday at
buns together while sitting at my dining room table at the window,
gazing out at the lovely spring array of colors. The birds were so
busy. The flowering Almond bush, Redbud tree and Flowering Crab are
all out in full bloom. The Lilacs are coming, plus the Flowering
Thanks to the Good Man for eyes to see, ears to hear and friends
with which to enjoy the beauty.
Her hubby, ‘Doc’, came back in a little while and did
his bit for me by trimming my holly trees and rose bushes. Until he
was finished, we were all outdoors enjoying this wonderful
Last week I had another delightful experience with friends Steam
Engine ones this time Mr. and Mrs. David Egan went with me to
Eastern Shore Banquet in Maryland. Needless to say, the food was
delicious and plenty of it for over 200 folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Layton and family extended their utmost
hospitality to a large number of us from a distance, by having a
picnic brunch for us out at the Grounds on Sunday. It certainly was
an enjoyable means of starting the activities of ‘Steam-Up’
for this year.
We had a likewise previous experience closer home by attending
the Williams Grove Banquet several weeks ago. They had the largest
crowd ever to attend. The food was most delicious. A good time was
enjoyed by all.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Mrs. Dave Shearer and family
from Dillsburg at this time. Dave had just passed away several days
before. Their presence was, and will be missed by all who knew and
loved him.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schaefer and I had just returned from the
Cheraw Show in South Carolina in the beginning of the month. It was
bigger and better, as one would expect. Only, the weather man
played tricks on us this year. It was cold and raining. This, of
course, did not help. The females became a bit more discontented,
but the men seemed to enjoy themselves, regardless.
We learned that Geo. DeRutyer, 716 N. 13th St., Sheboygan,
Wisconsin 53081, an old-time thresherman is recuperating at his
home after surgery. He had attended many reunions in the past
years. He would like to hear from some of his old friends. Please
take time out and let him know we miss him. Best of luck Mr.
Mr. Walter Armacost of Maryland is also at Caroll County General
Hospital at West minister, for the third time since December.
I’m sure many of you remember him. I know it would give him a
boost to hear from you. Please send a card and say a prayer for him
and his family.
Lately, we’ve had more articles and requests to print them
within a specific time. This is not always possible. Hope you
fellows will understand and be patient. We will eventually get to
using them. It isn’t we don’t appreciate your interest and
efforts but it is just impossible to get each one used when
requested. Please keep them coming!
We’ve had ever so many special invitations to attend your
shows this year. Please forgive, but this isn’t possible
either. I do need to keep my nose here and there once in awhile.
Some of you are such a distance away and the summer months seem to
get shorter all the while. I’d love to see and join in your
activities sometime but you can see how these other factors enter
the picture. I’m going to have to leave it to someone in your
organization to help us. Surely you can find somebody to take
subscriptions and perhaps also sell books and jewelry. We will send
them to you on consignment. This way you make a profit for your
group and our ‘wares’ get known to the public.
If you’re interested, write and we will give you details of
arrangements and profit. Don’t wait too long though, as the
mail is quite slow at times. We may both become disappointed.
Here is one of the nicest letters I’ve ever received. It
surely shows us that all our young folks are far from going wrong.
‘Dear Everybody, I love your magazine more than any other.
There is one big complaint. I have seen too many deaths. All nice
friendly people such as you. Your magazine isn’t paper and ink.
It is written by wonderful people. I got started with engines in
1968. This magazine is wonderful. I probably read each magazine
since 1960 eight times each. Elmer was the greatest Iron-Man,
wouldn’t you say? I like every story and every person that
writes stories. I am 10. God Bless you all. Steamendously yours,
Tom Olson, Coon Valley, Wisconsin.’
Thanks for your kind thoughts Tom. You are certainly on the
right track in life. God Bless you.
Another nice letter came from Forrest and Irene Cunningham. Here
it is as I thought you’d enjoy it also.
‘Dear Friends: The news of the New Western Development
Museum at Saskatoon, Canada as in March-April I. M. A. was very
interesting. I don’t think I ever enjoyed any trip more than
the visit my wife and I made to this-museum in August 1969.
This exhibit of the largest steam and gas tractors, threshers
and everything that went into pioneer living on the prairies was
greater than any I expected to see, and we have visited most of the
major ones in the United States.
It was a pleasure to meet the curator, the Hon. George Shepherd.
He is a fine English-bred gentleman. George thoughtfully looked up
some interesting machinery history for me. I keep it on file.
I have both books of which he was the author West of Yesterday
and Brave Heritage. He autographed them for me. You would enjoy
reading these books.
The Canadian people are genuine and kind their heritage!
My last letter to I. M. A. shows some pictures, the first part
in Sept-Oct. 1969 and then July-Aug. 1969.
We have a fine show here at Harrods-burg see I. M. A. for date.
I am a charter subscriber of I. M. A. and keep them all. Forrest
and Irene Cunningham, Route 2, Harrodsburg, Kentucky
Bob Kaelin from Riverhead, Long Island wrote expressing his
interest in our hobby. It was quite enlightening and delightful to
hear how he got started. During this period of his developing the
‘bug’ he never realized that there were so many others had
been doing and feeling the same way.
Yes, we now have over nine thousand! You aren’t the only
‘crazy one’ as someone once said many years ago to me they
thought their husband was, until the knowledge of numbers was made
known to them. Some of the finest folks in the world are involved,
as are we. Glad you joined the crowd! Hope you continue for many
years to come!
We received so many complimentary comments on our returned
renewals or letters, and here is one that is a bit unusual. It was
typed on the back of an envelope from Mrs. Myron Lantz, Wabash,
Indiana. I’m not sending each of you a letter, but changed the
word to magazine instead. Please, apply the same message from me to
you as my closing thoughts.
Dear letter go on your way, over mountains, plains or sea. God
bless all who speed your flight to where I wish you to be. And
bless all those beneath the roof where I should bid you rest. But
bless even more the one to whom this letter is addressed.