Thank you again, dear folks, for your kindness at Christmas by
remembering us. Elmer had to tell me about some of you folks who
sent greetings as I have not met you yet and it sounded
Elmer was all tickled the other day when a Washington (State)
man pasted a Case engine picture on an envelope and put ‘Port
Royal, Pa.’ as the address. The ALBUM got it. It had money in
it for the ALBUM. The way Elmer showed that around I feel sure you
will see it in the ALBUM in a future issue.
At present I am planning to attend some of the Reunions. School
will interfere with the September dates. If it were not the first
week of school we could easily take care of it. We are planning a
trip after the Montpelier Reunion going through Wisconsin to Gilmar
Johnson’s and then to Minnesota, North and South Dakota,
Nebraska, Kansas and then home. I think that will be a good