Our holidays were as delightful as it could be without our Elmer
not being here to share it. Life has to go on and he wasn’t one
to want us to lament. With this in mind and the Good Man’s help
we tried.
It was most thoughtful of so many of you to remember me with
cards and messages over the Yuletide season. Thank you!
Fred McPhail, whose address is GLower West Minister Hospital,
London 12, Ontario, Canada had written me after Elmer’s
passing. It was so nice to hear from him. Knowing he is confined, I
thought perhaps some of you folks had met him, as I, and wished to
remember him with a card or note. I surely enjoyed his company and
know you did likewise.
Speaking of London, Ontario, Canada we received a letter from
Sec. Treas. W. R. Coburn of the newly formed club called ‘The
Golden Triangle Model and Engineering Enthusiasts’. They meet
every third Thursday at 8 P. M. Anyone interested up that way is
most welcome, he said. His address is 413 Byron Blvd., London 61,
Ontario, Telephone 471-5534.
Perhaps some of you fellows could look in on Mr. Fred McPhail at
the hospital. You certainly would have something to talk about. As
I remember him, he was very enthusiastic about our hobby.
You’ll both gain, I’m sure, by your visit. Good luck to all
in your endeavors!
I was up to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strayer, R. D. 1, Dillsburg,
Pennsylvania 17019 a few minutes Christmas week. She is cheerful as
ever and progressing nicely with her cane. Their wishes are that
she continues so they too can journey to some shows this summer.
May the Lord see fit to allow them this privilege.
Mrs. Elmer Schaefer, 263 W. George St., Yoe, Pennsylvania 17313
has re-turned from a short stay in the hospital where tests were
made. She also is improving. Thank goodness!
Mrs. Amos Brandt, R. D. 1, Bain-bridge, Pennsylvania 17502 is
striving to keep herself going so she can attend shows this summer.
Our prayers are with her.
Our Secretaries in the offices are doing a fine job together,
now. I know there have been mistakes made, but there will
always be those. We are human, so Please be tolerant and patient
with us. We surely don’t wish to make them and will try to
right any wrongs if we know about them. You have been most
understanding over these past trying months during our change of
personnel. Mrs. Trudy Graffius is most cooperative with us all and
eager to learn. I don’t mean to take Mrs. Anna Mae Branyan,
Mrs. Doris Michaels or Mrs. Janet Hosier for granted. They each do
their work well or we wouldn’t be getting these wonderful
results. I think we have it pretty well settled and organized
again. We hope it will run more smoothly from now on.
You folks sending in subscriptions now will help us more if you
remember to name the magazine for which you are subscribing. The
Gas Magazine is now the same price as Iron-Men Album, starting with
January 1, 1972. We were able to ell by the amount on the
check before if it wasn’t stated in note or check thus
with both magazines being the same amount, it will be
Another thought! You could save yourself an 8c stamp and an
envelope if you wish to send both checks in one envelope since the
same office processes both subscriptions. Some of you folks have
not visited us here or have knowledge of our business did not
realize this, I know. Often we get duplicate checks and letters in
the same mail on the same day. This is the reason I wanted to
mention it.
Thanks to E. L. Hopkins, Emporia, Kansas for the nice drawing of
the School Marm he sent on his check. This type of humor helps the
old world turn better and brighter. Good work keep it up.
Mr. Joseph L. Mitchel, Box 53, Fleming, Pennsylvania 16835 wrote
and asked if anyone knows the whereabouts of a 12 HP Frick traction
engine, serial number 23178. He said his father bought it in
September of 1925. In 1931 he shipped it back to the company in
Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. If anyone of you has information as to
ownership and address, please help Mr. Mitchell by dropping him a
card. Thanks!
We’ve had inquiries about accepting pictures and articles
for our magazine, especially from a gentleman in Burlington,
Kansas. The answer is yes very much so! We’d be happy to
receive what you have to offer. This is ‘OUR’ magazine, not
just mine. The readers seem to enjoy materials concerning
experiences of others that have used these machines rather than
controversial articles. We’ve had a nice number of letters
commenting on not making our publication a battle ground of
differences. This I know was Elmer’s policy and I hope to
continue, if possible.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hartman and son, Roy, surprised me yesterday by
calling in the morning and driving up from Washington, D. C. for
the day. Grandma Hartman as with them. It was so nice to have her
come along to visit me. Need to say the ‘Steam News
Roy is the ardent photographer of the family and has and is
continuing to contribute material for us to share. Watch for it in
coming issues!
Can anyone help Mr. Roy Payne, 204 W. 11th St., Clifton, Texas
76634? He writes: ‘I would appreciate it very much if you could
put me in contact with someone who could tell me what color to
paint an old 1912 J. I. Case engine, 20-40 HP. This engine
belonged to my Dad and I bought it and would like to paint it the
original color.’
By the time you receive this magazine, you should surely be
thinking of starting fire in the boilers to get up your steam for
the summer months. Hope our paths cross and maybe we’ll see you
at some of the shows.