Hi Ladies!
I’m sitting in Elmer’s room at the home writing to you.
It is Sunday and that is the reason I’m able to spend the day
here. We even had our evening meal together, which was a treat for
Mrs. Nancy Asper, our new secretary, has certainly proven her
week without any complications. I think she has done remarkably
well with the aid of our other co-workers.
Sorry the printer’s photographer made a ‘boo-boo’
again on the front cover picture of Gas Magazine. We’ve spoken
to ‘Jake’ about it and sincerely hope it won’t happen
Show time is surely coming quickly. We just realize it when so
many of these ‘ads’ are arriving now in the mail that is to
be published.
It was nice to have Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Nichols from New York
state stay overnite with us several weeks past. The sad part of the
occasion was they came down to the viewing of our dear friend, Mr.
Amos Brandt, who has passed away.
Anna Brandt, his wife, is doing quite well considering. The
Elmer Scheaffers and I visited and had supper with her last Sunday
evening. I was sure she would be just this way her make up being as
it is I feel she knows the Good Man as her Friend.
It was kind of Mr. William Strayer from Dillsburg to stop into
see Elmer last week. He always enjoys such visitors.
The Charles Idols have called several times this winter to
inquire of Elmer. It surely is nice to have such interesting and
interested friends. As Elmer mentioned in his column, the picture
in ‘Those Inventive Americans’ is excellent. We’re
proud to say we know them so well.
Hope to see some of you at least once at one of these shows this
summer. Sincerely wish you all can attend as many as you desire and
have an enjoyable time.