Elmer brings home such glowing reports of the Reunions, meeting
interesting people and old friends and such nice programs, that we
are sorry we could not attend the Reunions this year. Elmer also
told me of so many of you who sent greetings and good wishes to me.
It does seem early but Elmer, Karl and I (and the printer, she
missed us) wish to extend to you sincere Christmas and New Years
Greetings and good wishes. This is a happy time of the year. May
God bless you all.
Don’t forget our Ladies Page. We need material for it. Elmer
gave us the page and we do not want him to fill it up with his
material, even though that is good. Your experience, pictures of
your Hobby or something interesting for all of us. If you hesitate
to tell about yourself then send something about your neighbor.
Nearly all of us have interesting neighbors. Tell us about